How to transition successfully from client side to agency life as a marketer

Making a career change as a marketer, from working in-house on the client side to joining an agency, can be intimidating. A director at Eyeful Media told me the responsibility and management of several different accounts at once was an example of one area they struggled with initially when making this move.

Another teammate mentioned the faster pace required to make decisions and identify actionable strategies in agency life compared to working client-side as another challenge when they shifted careers.

These conversations with our marketing leaders at Eyeful have resulted in best practices we now include in our onboarding process. One example is sharing the seven tips and strategies I wrote about in detail as a contributing author for Search Engine Land in the article below with our new teammates from client-side backgrounds. Hopefully, these learnings can also help other marketers successfully make a similar transition.  

Thank you very much to Danny Goodwin, Nicole Farley, Barry Schwartz, and the incredible Search Engine Land team for the valuable resource you provide the marketing industry. We also appreciate the platform to share our advice for making a successful transition from an in-house marketing team to agency life.

These valuable tips include 200+ words of detail and instruction on each of the seven best practices listed below.

Tips for transitioning from client side to a marketing agency

  • Adhere to the 80/20 rule

  • Plan your schedule to create room for ad hoc work 

  • Get comfortable working with imperfect information 

  • Sync with your peers to get up to speed quickly

  • Respond quickly without dropping other priorities 

  • Control the conversation by planning 

  • Learn to track your time

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Antonella P.